My story
Born and raised in a small town in Israel. After my military service in the Air Force I moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dream in becoming an actress. I had endless gigs and temporary jobs while trying to juggle between acting school and making a living. Just to give you an idea I once had to dress as Cleopatra and waive to people for 7 hours while being on a freezing cold bus deck . Oh also I once played an Air Dubai flight attendant in a commercial LOL.
At the age of 26 I decided I want and deserve a better quality of life and I promised myself when I turn 27 I will no loner work as waitress. That's when my Real Estate journey began, I got my RE license, started to hustle, network, close deals and moved my way up to 10X my income. In between I would immerse myself in self development content, life changing seminars, events and anything I could possibly get my hands on so I can live an outstanding life.
When seeing the results and the impact in my own life I decided to pursue life coaching and dedicate my time to becoming the best leader and coach I could possibly be by training and immersing in the inner work.
A decade later, I've coached dozen and dozen of people. I am certified Tony Robbins Madanes life coach and I have a coaching practice that allows me to work from anywhere in the world while contributing to others.
Contact Liron